As you all know, I simply love discovering new interesting brands and testing various products. I am always passionate about finding the best in fashion and make-up and sharing my wonderful experiences with you.
Table could not be displayed.This time, however, I decided to take a closer look at one of my all-time favorites. In fact, this brand was responsible for my very first ventures into the world of make-up.
Of course, I am talking about the legendary Wet N Wild. For the reasons previously mentioned, Wet N Wild will always hold a very dear place in my heart. As a young woman choosing my very first products, Wet N wild somehow seemed the most inviting and interesting brand.
It is especially heartwarming to hear that this is a common theme with Wet N Wild. So many women in my circle state that their first make-up product was from Wet N Wild. Throughout their thirty-year history, Wet N Wild products have been showered with praise from the industry.
They have always been held in high regard in the beauty world. Yet, Wet N wild has not settled and lost its edge. The company still holds innovation and excitement in high regard and will always continue to do so.
In this review of Wet N Wild, I will be taking an in-depth look at my old favorite. I will also gladly share the best Wet N Wild products with you.
Review of Wet n Wild Products
Wet N Wild Lash Renegade Mascara

This “Wet N Wild Lash Renegade” is a hit in every aspect. The first thing you will notice is the design. The design is inspired by the glam-rock of the seventies. The guitar-shape looks ridiculous and cheesy at first.
However, there is a sweet novelty to this design. And well, although it might seem uncomfortable to use, that is simply not the case. The wand sits in the hand very well. And to be fair, do we girls really care that much about the looks of the mascara. In a busy modern life, it is always about practicality first.
And here, this mascara performs exceptionally. I am guilty of splurging on niche high-end make-up as we all. However, sometimes simple drugstore products really are worth considering. Especially if you are just getting into make-up.
Lash Renegade covers the lashes very well, splitting and plumping all the lashes individually. For my lashes, this mascara has always added a lovely curling effect as well. It stays on wonderfully, even in difficult weather conditions.
All in all, this has been one of my staple mascaras for a long time. Like a trusted friend that you can always count on. Lash Renegade will always have a special place in my heart and in my make-up bag.
Wet N Wild Ultimate Brow Kit

You know, I am lucky to be acquainted with several professional make-up artists. I have a chance to get an expert opinion on everything I try. You would be shocked at some of the brands and products industry insiders swear by.
The “Ultimate Brow Kit” is one of them. You will get this for under ten dollars and this performs exceptionally. You have everything you need to maintain and care for your brows in a small and neat package.
The packaging is decidedly simple, which works for me. When getting make-up, I am not interested in buying branding. I am looking for something that works. Again, an extremely beginner-friendly make-up product from Wet N Wild. You will not go wrong with this one.
Color Icon Kohl Liner Pencil

Talk about a trip down memory lane! The “Color Icon Kohl” is the first eyeliner that I ever bought as a young girl. Probably one of my first cosmetic products period. I had no idea how to choose and Wet N Wild somehow caught my attention.
Since I was so young, the extremely affordable price was obviously also a huge factor. To my surprise, I still had no trouble finding this for a few dollars at my local drugstore.
However, now being much more experienced with make-up, I am glad that my teenage choice was not bad at all. The pencil is still good for both brows and eyes. The tone I always used and bought for re-testing was the “Baby’s Got Black“.
It has a wonderful natural-looking black tone that stays on a full day. There are women out there who have used this eyeliner for more than 10 years. It is easy to see why.
Best Foundations from Wet n Wild
If you feel the same as many of my fellow beauty-enthusiasts. As if you have moved on from Wet N Wild and are “above” using their products nowadays. Please, please try their foundation range.
This is from one beauty-enthusiast to another. For this price range, the quality of their foundations is mind-blowing. Wet N Wild foundations compete with high-end foundations without breaking a sweat.
I will gladly give you a short and sweet list of some of my favorites from the line-up.
Wet n Wild Photo Focus Foundation

An undeniable classic, the Photo Focus Foundation is another one of the top sellers from Wet N Wild. Perfect natural-looking coverage in all weather conditions and situations.
You can also be sure that the foundation stays on for the whole day. The range of tones available is bigger than that of competitors. Wet N Wild really has you covered, whatever your skin tone might be like.
Wet n Wild Stick Foundation

The “Wet n Wild Stick Foundation” is an extremely lightweight, among the most pleasant-feeling foundations I have tried. It has a wonderful slightly moisturizing effect, which makes it very comfortable on the face.
Wet n Wild MegaCushion

I love me some cushions! The MegaCushion is fantastic for a more challenging skin-type. Matches with my skin perfectly even when my face has one of those desert-like periods. And this happens quite often, trust me. It is good to know that Wet N Wild has me covered in more challenging periods as well.
Is Wet n Wild Cruelty-Free & Vegan-Friendly?
Wet N wild is one of the best examples of brands where ethics and success go hand in hand. The brand is proudly 100% cruelty-free. Wet N Wild has a zero-tolerance policy for animal testing.
Even though Wet N Wild also manufactures in China, they retain strict control over their policies. You all have heard of PETA, right? Well, Wet N Wild is arguably the most famous of the beauty companies in PETA’s Beauty Without Bunnies list. This is an honor that the company holds very dear.
Regarding veganism, not all the products of Wet N Wild are 100% vegan. Luckily, the official homepage of Wet N Wild is extremely transparent. All the information regarding the ingredients is listed on the page.
Also, the official policy of the brand states that Wet N Wild is striving towards having all the products available as vegan-friendly.
If they will succeed, they will be the first beauty company of such caliber to have a totally vegan-friendly range of products. All in all, the future of Wet N Wild looks green.
Advantages of Wet n Wild

The reliability/nostalgia factor
Wet N Wild has been a heavy-hitter for a while now. And for good reason. They have a huge range of products that have stood the test of time exceptionally well.
Like so many of my friends, I am proud to announce that Wet N Wild was my entry brand as well. Everything Wet N Wild offers is affordable without making a sacrifice in quality. When I am tired of discovering new brands and need to choose quickly, I know that Wet N Wild has me covered.
Fantastic foundation range
When it comes to other Wet N Wild products, they are not always my first choice. However, when it comes to foundations, Wet N Wild is my go-to. To me, their foundation range is simply the best on the market.
Not because of the affordable price. Not because of brand loyalty. Wet N Wild has nailed all the specifics of a good foundation. The coverage is amazing and the color range available is great.
I have spoken in length about my stubborn skin. You all know how hard it is for me to find the right products for my face. After several misfortunate experiments with both best-selling and high-end foundations. I always returned to Wet N Wild. Sometimes the easiest choices really are the best.
Dedication to being cruelty-free
For such a huge brand, their dedication to being cruelty-free is truly inspirational. They have an active partnership with PETA and remain on the front lines of producing ethical cosmetic products.
Even though they have expanded to China, Wet N Wild remains adamant about not testing on animals.
I sincerely hope that other large corporations will take note and animal-testing will be a thing of the past soon.
Disadvantages of Wet n Wild

Nail/lip products not up to par
As much as I love Wet N Wild, they have some hit and miss products as well. To give you some examples, I have yet to find a good lipstick from their range. I have tried several colors and on my lips, the lipsticks tend to get patchy and dry.
While I love some of the shades they have available, I am all about functionality. For a long night out, I am afraid that I would find a much better option from some other brand.
This unfortunately goes for the nail polish collections as well. The colors are generally fantastic, creative, and vibrant. However, when it comes to functionality, there are better options out there.
The drying time of the polish is quite long. Considering this, the lifetime of the polish is only so-so. Of course, I would be lying if I said I have tried every one of Wet N Wild lip and nail products. They might certainly have some gems. From my experience, however, the general quality of their nail and lip products is not that good.
The reliability and wide-reach of Wet N Wild is a two-edged sword. While the popularity of the brand gives it a huge trust factor, it certainly makes your experience a little less unique.
I, for one, tend to relish moments at which I have found some new fantastic niche products. Just recently I stood in awe of a lip-kit ordered from Vietnam. With Wet N Wild, you tend to know what you will get. Chances are, you will face a lot of women on the street using the same products and routines.
As I have mentioned several times, you will not find a better entry-level brand than Wet N Wild. If you are buying your first make-up products, this is the brand I would recommend. This alone makes a strong case for Wet N Wild.
Since the products are so widespread, finding suitable YouTube make-up tutorials is easy. Not to mention that everything they offer is very affordable. So, for a hand-held entry to the beautiful world of make-up, go for Wet N Wild.
Wet N Wild, however, is not only a good starter-friendly brand. Some of their products are genuinely amazing and easily compete with high-end brands.
All in all, Wet N Wild is certainly worth a try for both advanced make-up enthusiasts and total beginners.
Also, don’t miss these Wet N Wild beauty products:
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