Our skin is under the daily influence of various external factors such as heat, cold, and exhaust gases – that’s why regular cleaning and care are extremely important. Those who love themselves will also take care of their skin in order to keep it moisturized, and hydrated, and to maintain a natural, youthful appearance for as long as possible. Beautiful and healthy skin is not just a matter of genetics – your daily habits have a big impact on how you look when you look in the mirror. Today, you can find a lot of advice on how to hydrate the skin, and how to protect it from UV radiation, and there are a lot of different opinions about all of this. facial skin care must be personalized, only yours, adapted to the needs of your skin only. Below, read some of the basic guidelines that will help you get the right skincare routine.
Skin type

We have already mentioned that one product cannot be suitable for all skin types. The first step you need to take is to determine your skin type, i.e. whether it is dry, oily, normal, or combination skin. Based on this, you buy products that will suit you. You can find more about dermalogical kit if you visit this site.
Get up on time

In order to have enough time, it is important to get up on time. In the morning, the face usually looks swollen and it takes some time for the skin to return to normal. High-quality and regular washing in the morning and evening is extremely important for healthy and beautiful skin. Washing with warm, and especially hot, water removes natural oils from the skin, which causes it to dry out, weakens its natural protection, and may become more prone to the appearance of pimples, washing with cold water is recommended. After washing, you start with your daily routine.
Basic Face Care
What each of us must have in order to keep our face clean and well-groomed is a tonic and face-cleansing lotion. So, after washing, apply toner (or micellar water) to remove impurities, and then lotion to prevent dryness of the face.
Cream Before Makeup?

Many believe that it is unnecessary to apply cream if you are going to put on make-up. However, cream has nothing to do with make-up. Apply a face serum and day cream to further nourish the skin of the face, then proceed to make-up. You will also notice that the powder is easier to apply when the skin is hydrated.
SP Cream
We all know that the sun gives us vitamin D and that it is healthy to be exposed to the sun’s rays, but only when we have properly protected the skin and when the sun is not too strong. For this reason, it is important to apply a cream with an SP factor to prevent redness and burns, as well as accelerated facial aging. So, it’s time for ideal care in the form of a cream with a protective factor that will prevent the appearance of frequent irregularities on the face, i.e. hyperpigmentation spots, but also dryness and new wrinkles.
The Importance of Water

It has been scientifically proven that water can help you in different ways, and one of the benefits of this drink is related to the health of your skin. Drinking enough water can be really helpful in clearing your face of acne. Although there are numerous causes of this problem, and sometimes acne can be the result of genetics, external factors or diet, sometimes the cause is precisely the insufficient consumption of this extremely important drink. Although water won’t completely clear your face of acne, this drink will definitely make a noticeable difference. Many people have experienced the benefits of this drink for their face and skin. In order to take care of your skin properly, wash your face with cleansers, but don’t neglect to drink enough water. Your skin will thank you if you stay well-hydrated!
Cosmetic Treatments
Facial treatments are certainly recommended for the most diverse skin types, whether the skin is dehydrated, dry, oily, prone to pigmentation, and so on. This does not mean that you have to visit a beautician every day, but once every few months or at least twice a year will bring many benefits. the appearance of the skin of your face.
The Importance of Sleep

‘Beauty sleep’ is not just an empty phrase because experts warn that eight hours of quality sleep is very important not only for health but also for the appearance of our look. Good and deep sleep can be important for the health of the skin, which shines and becomes uniformly beautiful. Namely, when we suffer from insomnia and when we are overworked, our body produces more of the stress hormone, cortisol. Elevated cortisol levels can lead to increased stress and inflammation in the body, which affects the quality of the skin. Sleep is essential for maintaining our mental, emotional, and physical health, which includes keeping our look healthy and balanced.
Getting Rid of Bad Habits
Each of us has a habit or a vice that we know is not good for our bodies. For the skin, it is frequent consumption of alcohol, excessive consumption of sweets, spending a lot of time in front of the computer, removing make-up with wet wipes, and so on. It is precisely for this reason that it is important to acquire your daily routine, which includes getting up on time, training, a healthy diet, as well as additional skin care. Of course, allow yourself something that is not very healthy, but don’t let it be your daily routine.
Final Thoughts

The facial care routine should be adapted to external influences so that remains healthy, nourished, and cared for. By applying a daily face care routine in the morning and at night, you will very quickly bring your skin to enchanting results and get closer to perfect skin.